Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So...I was about to post a blog about my weekend. But then I changed my mind.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daddy Issues

Ever since my dad got back from the cruise, things have kinda been rocky.

You see, for their 50th anniversary, my grandparents took the whole family on a cruise in the Carribean. Except, since I'm still in school, I had to pass on the trip. Which, I mean, it wasn't THAT big of a deal, except for the fact that it's cold in Toledo, and the Carribean is...well...the exact opposite. And I do feel bad about having to miss out, because I know how much this trip meant to my grandparents, but I had to do what I had to do...though if I could re-do, I'd totally miss school. I really would not have missed anything.

My dad got back the other day, and I told him I wanted to call him to talk to him, but when I called, he didn't answer. So I left him a message to call me back. This repeated for three days.

Today, I went to the grocery store to buy some food for my dorm. But when I checked out, it said my debit card had been frozen. After returning to my room, and checking my account, it was confirmed that my father had frozen my card. I flipped out. I trashed my room. I was cut off, for absolutely no reason! No...there had to be a reason...but what was it?

My question was answered a few hours later. After I had cooled down, he called me back. We talked, and it turns out, he wasn't ignoring my calls, he was just busy, which I can believe. But he was upset with me because...wait for it...I'm going to Disney for spring break! WHOA! I mean, what does that have to do with anything? Well, I guess it's because I was too busy with school to go on the the trip, but now I'm planning to go to Disney World...even though the cruise was during school, and Disney is during my break...

I don't know, it was all really stupid, but after that, we talked about school, and it made me realize that I'm deffinetly (will I ever learn to spell that word?) not ready for college. So, it's official. I am leaving school at the end of the semester. That's my final decision. I've also decided to spend a little bit of time in Tucson this summer. I need to get away, and maybe I could live there full time. I can't stay in Ohio forever, and it will get me a lot closer to my dream. But for now, I can just say that I am dropping out of school, and then what happens after that...I'll just have to wait and see.

We never did talk about my debit card though. Hopefully he unfreezes that soon though. I REALLY want nachos and queso dip!


PS: 22 Days Until Disney!
PPS: Gina's over again! Night #11! Lake almost saved me from this...damn him for canceling!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting Fed Up

I'm getting really tired of this! Oh my God! Honestly, this is getting really old, and getting tired of it!

Ok, maybe I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I signed up to have Chris as my roommate, and only Chris as my roommate. I didn't realize I had signed up to have whoever his current girlfriend is as a roommate too.

It started with Lexi. Always over, practically every night. I understoodthat she and Chris had been together for a while, so I accepted it. Then Chris and Lexi broke up, and Chris (almost immediately) started dating Manda. I thought this was pretty crazy, cause really, after having such a long relationship, you really need time to be single. But I realized that Manda was AWESOME, and was fine with her always being over as well. I mean she had been having roommate troubles, so I was perfectly ok with this.

And I REALLY liked this one, I mean she was so cool and good to Chris, and I even invited her to my birthday party in Elyria (she went there all the way from Toledo for one night!) and all our Elyria friends LOVED her just from that one meeting!

But back to this ranting.

End of Christmas Break, Chris broke up with Manda, and like two weeks later, this begins. My friend Gina, love her to death, and Chris have started talking. I don't have a problem with this, except that when this started, I told her flat out I did not want her over all the time, and she understood. Or maybe she didn't since she's been over for a straight WEEK! And I really am more annoyed about this than the other two because:

1: This is the THIRD girl I've had as an unoffical second roommate.
3: Since we're already such good friends, I already hang out with her during the day.
4: We're both in WBSS, so I see her all the time there as well.
5: SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND! In the military at that! And Chris KNOWS this!

If she's unhappy in her relationship, she should just break up with the guy, rather than cheat on him. And the worst part is, is that I'm way to nice to say a word of this to either of them. I sometimes wish I wasn't such a nice guy, so I could say something. Talk about wishful thinking though. Also, she just can be really annoying sometimes, and after hanging out with her too long, I just get really aggrivated.

I'm making any excuse to be out of my room these days. Hanging out with Feliza, Keri, and Gage like five times more than usual, going over to Lake's whenever possible (I'll talk about him another time), I even went clear across campus to hang out with people in my film class just to get away for a little bit, getting slapped in the face with ice on the way there didn't even bother me.

Chris is like a brother to me, and I love him, but one thing I will NOT miss next year when I've dropped out is having him as a roommate...awful as that sounds...it's true.

*sigh* I feel like a bad person now...


Saturday, February 5, 2011


This is a really short update. My roommate's parents are coming up tomorrow, so I have to get to bed soon, but I just saw something kinda creepy in my room.

So I'm sitting on my bed (like I am now), when I look out the window. The lights are on in the room, so the window does act somewhat like a mirror, and you can see a reflection. Anyway, I'm looking out, and I see...like...a shadow or something standing behind me in my reflection. I turn around, there's nothing there that could have caused it. There's nothing dark behind me. It was so bizzare! Could it have been a ghost, or something paranormal? My building certainly is old enough! I'll have to do some investigating to find out for sure.

In other news, I'm recording "Fire Burning" in the studio on Monday, and then I NEVER have to sing it again!

Anyway, like I said, I need to be getting to bed soon, so I'll end this here. Haven't posted in a while, but there's really nothing happening right now, besides freezing my ass off all the time! Gotta love Ohio!
