Saturday, February 5, 2011


This is a really short update. My roommate's parents are coming up tomorrow, so I have to get to bed soon, but I just saw something kinda creepy in my room.

So I'm sitting on my bed (like I am now), when I look out the window. The lights are on in the room, so the window does act somewhat like a mirror, and you can see a reflection. Anyway, I'm looking out, and I shadow or something standing behind me in my reflection. I turn around, there's nothing there that could have caused it. There's nothing dark behind me. It was so bizzare! Could it have been a ghost, or something paranormal? My building certainly is old enough! I'll have to do some investigating to find out for sure.

In other news, I'm recording "Fire Burning" in the studio on Monday, and then I NEVER have to sing it again!

Anyway, like I said, I need to be getting to bed soon, so I'll end this here. Haven't posted in a while, but there's really nothing happening right now, besides freezing my ass off all the time! Gotta love Ohio!


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