Friday, January 14, 2011

First Week Back

My first week back at school has finally drawn to a close. It has been an absolutely CRAZY one, and has proven to be a great one for me.

Well, Mondays are a great day because my only class that day is at 2:oopm, giving me plenty of sleeping time. But the rest of the week is full of early starts with 8:00am French. I haven't been up that early since my junior year of high school! I was late on the first day of the class, but the other three days, I've made it.

My professor for Intro To Business, I found out worked for like six years at Lionsgate Entertainment! Holy shit! This is why I'm at college: for connections. I have got to do anything it takes to get on his good side so I can use this to my advantage. Let the ass kissing begin!

Today, we had an extremely long rehearsal for West Bancroft Side Story. It honestly lasted twelve hours! I kid you not, and most of it was dancing. My body is screaming at me right now! But it was all worth it; I've seen videos, and it looks really good! I'm about to just crawl into bed and completely pass out! I can't wait to film it all on Sunday, it'll look freaking sweet!

Finally (saving the best for last), I found out today that...wait...actually, I have one more thing to say before this! So, I tagged Simon Curtis in a tweet yesterday, and he so responded! I was so excited! I honestly print screened it and have the picture of the tweet on my computer and ipod...cause I'm that big of a creep! But he's like my favorite male pop artist so, I think it's lightweight justified...or maybe I'm just a creepy stalker?

And now! I will talk about what I was saving for last... Today, I found out that an ex of mine is now doing porn. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned him in previous entries, but basically, he cheated on me while I was in France, played with my emotions all summer, told me he was in love with someone else the whole time we were together, and then slept with my (now former) best friend. Needless to say: I hate his guts! And the fact that he is doing porn now, makes me laugh so hard! I looked it up, and like it's not even classy playboy/girl style porn. It's the trashy and tasteless kind. And his "stats" aren't even true! It's funny cause he moved to L.A. to become a movie star...well...I guess his dream came true. He did star in a movie ;).


PS: My roommate just came in drunk as Hell!

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