Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tonight's The Night!

It's only a couple hours away! The day I've been waiting so long for! Graduation day is finally here! This morning, after many hours at the youth group lock-in, I went to commencement practice, and now I'm all ready to get that diploma and done with EHS!

I guess I'll miss a lot of the people, but then again, this is the 21st century. We have cell phones, and facebooks, but it's not the same. These past few days have been pretty awesome. At the Drama Club Awards/Inductions, I was voted as Best Supporting Actor (in Almost, Maine), as well as "Most Likely To Leave Elyria". And for choir, I got "Best Personality" and "Best Eyes".

Senior year has definitely been full of ups and downs, and I'm ready to be done with it, but I will miss a lot of things.

But enough on that! I'm graduating, it's time to move on. My grad party is tomorrow, and in just a couple weeks, I'm off to France! I don't really know if I'll be able to blog while I'm there, but I'll certainly have tons to talk about when I get back!

We're apparently going to Steak & Shake after graduation tonight (surprise, surprise! Elyria kids at Steak & Shake!), and then, I'm not fully sure what's up after that.

OH! Almost forgot! My dad is in town! I said he was coming for graduation, and he's here. Which means I get to see him for the first time since October!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cap and Gown: Check!

So yesterday was Cap and Gown Pick-Up for seniors, and I also had choir, so I went into school second period (that's about 8:30), saw some of my underclassmen friends, and then went to choir when it got to be time. We did absolutely nothing in choir, so why did we have to go? I mean really, was there any point?

But anyway, after choir, I went into the auditorium and picked up my cap and gown for graduation. I was so excited, you don't even know! Graduation is in four days, and I cannot wait to be out of here! Unfortunately, the weather report says that it's supposed to storm really bad on Saturday, and which sucks because if it does, we'll have to graduate on the next day, which is the same day as my party! Why am I having my grad party on the same day as the rain date? Well, because my dad is flying in from Tucson for graduation, and it makes a lot more sense, instead of having him fly out twice.

UT finally got my gender fixed, and Chris and I are officially roommates for next year! Which means now I just have to wait out the next three month until I can move to Toledo. Is that sad? I'm looking forward to starting school next year! It's probably more me looking forward to getting out of this city, than starting school. After all, like I said before, I have some really fun stuff going on this summer: France, Not In Ohio, Sue.

Oh yeah, Sue. I have not talked about her yet. She was a foreign exchange student my junior year, and she's coming back this summer to visit. She's from Switzerland and she's awesome! We are for real about to party it up while she's here. It's only for about a month though, which really sucks, but at least I get to see her.

The rest of this week consists of cleaning up my house, and my grandparent's garage. The garage, because that's where my party is, and the house because some guests from Kentucky are gonna be staying here.


PS: Those guests, are HOOTERS GIRLS! Be jealous! haha

Friday, May 14, 2010

I am not a girl!

So today was senior brunch, which ended up being pretty boring to be honest. Anyway, I just got home a little bit ago, and logged onto my account at UT so I could finish my housing application, to find that I'm listed as being a girl...again!

I was listed as that before, and then I called up to the school to have it fixed, and they did, but now it's switched back to "Gender: F". Last I checked, I was a boy. I've been a boy for eighteen years now, and I really don't see that changing anytime soon. Plus, the problem was already solved! It said "Gender: M" when I checked just a couple days ago!

And I very well can't room with my friend Chris if the school things I'm a girl! The dorm rooms aren't co-ed. Looks like I'm going to have to call AGAIN and get this straightened out.

On an up note: Thespian lock-in is tonight! Those are always fun. I'm gonna have to charge up the camera though. The damn thing died on me at brunch.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello Summer...

High School has come and gone. Yesterday was my last day, and now I get to enjoy a nice long break before starting college in the fall. I guess now is where I tell you my college plans, huh? Well, I'm going to be a film major at The University of Toledo, with a minor in marketing. Why you ask? That's an easy answer: I want to be a film maker. Preferably a film maker of horror films.

Again you ask why? I became interested in horror back in the seventh grade. Junior high was never easy for me, so horror films became my escape. I won't bore you with those details; that doesn't matter anymore. Because in just a few months, I'll be in college, ready for a fresh start.

Of course, I have stuff going on before then. month, I'm going to Europe! Yup! Ten days I'll be gone. I'm going to Paris with my school's French Club! And I even get to visit London while I'm there! :D

Then when I come home, I'll be doing some work on a movie! Not In Ohio, a family-adventure film. I'm acting in it. Hopefully it will give me some pretty good experience for when I start classes in August, and hopefully it can help me start up my career too.

So you see, I'll have tons of exciting things to write about soon! I'm just stepping out into the world. My story is just beginning...


PS: Wow, was that the cheesiest way to end an entry or what?!