Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tonight's The Night!

It's only a couple hours away! The day I've been waiting so long for! Graduation day is finally here! This morning, after many hours at the youth group lock-in, I went to commencement practice, and now I'm all ready to get that diploma and done with EHS!

I guess I'll miss a lot of the people, but then again, this is the 21st century. We have cell phones, and facebooks, but it's not the same. These past few days have been pretty awesome. At the Drama Club Awards/Inductions, I was voted as Best Supporting Actor (in Almost, Maine), as well as "Most Likely To Leave Elyria". And for choir, I got "Best Personality" and "Best Eyes".

Senior year has definitely been full of ups and downs, and I'm ready to be done with it, but I will miss a lot of things.

But enough on that! I'm graduating, it's time to move on. My grad party is tomorrow, and in just a couple weeks, I'm off to France! I don't really know if I'll be able to blog while I'm there, but I'll certainly have tons to talk about when I get back!

We're apparently going to Steak & Shake after graduation tonight (surprise, surprise! Elyria kids at Steak & Shake!), and then, I'm not fully sure what's up after that.

OH! Almost forgot! My dad is in town! I said he was coming for graduation, and he's here. Which means I get to see him for the first time since October!


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