Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello Summer...

High School has come and gone. Yesterday was my last day, and now I get to enjoy a nice long break before starting college in the fall. I guess now is where I tell you my college plans, huh? Well, I'm going to be a film major at The University of Toledo, with a minor in marketing. Why you ask? That's an easy answer: I want to be a film maker. Preferably a film maker of horror films.

Again you ask why? I became interested in horror back in the seventh grade. Junior high was never easy for me, so horror films became my escape. I won't bore you with those details; that doesn't matter anymore. Because in just a few months, I'll be in college, ready for a fresh start.

Of course, I have stuff going on before then. month, I'm going to Europe! Yup! Ten days I'll be gone. I'm going to Paris with my school's French Club! And I even get to visit London while I'm there! :D

Then when I come home, I'll be doing some work on a movie! Not In Ohio, a family-adventure film. I'm acting in it. Hopefully it will give me some pretty good experience for when I start classes in August, and hopefully it can help me start up my career too.

So you see, I'll have tons of exciting things to write about soon! I'm just stepping out into the world. My story is just beginning...


PS: Wow, was that the cheesiest way to end an entry or what?!

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