Friday, November 19, 2010


It's here! November 19th! You know what that means, right? Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is finally in theaters!

I went to the midnight showing last night, and I was just completely blown away! I laughed, I cried, and the ending cliff hanger had me wanting more More MORE! It was a a great adaptation, and although there are a few differences between the book and film, they actually did a great job at staying faithful. You may disagree, and you have that right, but I feel it stayed true to the text in a way that the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth didn't.

I am so glad that this film was my first midnight release, it was such a fun time. I just hate the fact that I now have to wait until July for part 2.

In other news, I've been on muscle relaxers for my neck, and they've really been helping a lot. I can officially move my neck normally, though it still hurts a little bit. Also, I am very excited to be going home for Thanksgiving next week. I'm gonna be able to see my friend Rachel for her birthday, see my whole family, eat like a hungry hungry hippo, and then make fun of all the crazy Black Friday shoppers.

Should be a fun week.


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, I went to the midnight showing too. I loved it so so so much. I cried like a baby :( yeah some things were different but they actually stayed pretty true to the book which made me really happy. Dobby'd death was the most horrible thing ever :'(
