Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh yeah...I have a blog!

Ok, now I know what you guys are thinking right now:

"Oh my goodness! Tyler Holtzman! Where have you been?!"

No? Nobody? Oh yeah, I write a blog nobody reads. Oh well, on with the entry.

So it's been like five months since my last entry. The last time I wrote, I talked about how I was going to France. That was SO much fun! Honestly the greatest experience of my life! I saw some beautiful art and buildings, ate incredible food, and then I came back to America where my life became filled with drama. Both types of drama. Drama as in acting, and drama as in bullshit. But I won't go into all that.

I'm almost done with my first semester of college now. As I said in my first entry, I'm attending The University of Toledo, and studying Film as my major. It's interesting here. I've made some great friends, done some really fun activities...I like it, though I miss home a lot more than I ever thought I would.

Another thing I never thought I would do is pledge a fraternity. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd even consider it, but here I am, a pledge for the Theta Chi Fraternity...for now...I think I'm dropping. My grades have slipped. And when I say slipped, I mean it.

Honestly there isn't much happening right now. My mom moved into an apartment, I'm working on getting my grades up, and I recently signed on to be in a mini-series for my school's television network. It's called West Bancroft Side Story, which is a parody guessed it...West Side Story. My character is Munich, who is the Chino character, or the Paris of Romeo and Juliet.

I suppose that's all for today. I kinda just felt like writing.



  1. Haha yup, and maybe I'll remember to update it every once in a while lol
