Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Week In...

We are one week into Lent. Seven days into my "no swearing" and unfortunately, I've already slipped up. Just once. First day. But it wasn't in a public setting, so I didn't feel as bad. I've managed to go the rest of the week free of it though, and I'm very proud of myself.

Break didn't get any better over the course of the week. It was pretty boring the whole way. Lots of time on the couch. I bought a Wii though. I'm a beast at bowling on it. And sword fighting!

Not much has happened since getting back to school. I went to my first counseling session...not too eventful...that's about it though. Everything's pretty slow in T Town right now.

I hate to say it, but I have a new favorite song. It's "Friday" by Rebecca Black. I know, I'm weird for liking it. I know it's not good, but it's catchy, and funny, so I like it. I can't believe all the negative backlash on it though. And most of it's not even on the song, it's on her. I've read so many video comments and tweets telling her to kill herself. I can't believe a person can actually sit there and say that to someone, especially a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL! It's just sick.

My interview for Cedar Point is just three days away now. Saturday, 11am. I really hope I get it. That'd be the perfect summer job for me, because I wouldn't have to be at home, bored out of my mind, and dealing with drama for three months. So many of my friends have gotten accepted, if I don't, I'm gonna feel like crap! I've already been turned down by Walmart and McDonalds. They pretty much hire anyone who walks through the door! Add Cedar Point to the list, and I'll be the poster boy for FML.


Monday, March 7, 2011

And this year for Lent, I'm giving up...

Well, I've taken the day to cool down from last night. I'm still pretty depressed and stressed out. I've decided that when I get back to school, I'm going to start seeing a counselor about everything that's been going on. I've got a couple months left at UT, and I get free counseling while I'm there, and today I've realized I really do need to be talking to someone.

So, when the US version of Skins first came out, I definitely did not like it, but I have to say, it's grown on me. I'm really mad I couldn't go to the audition back in the fall. I hope they have open calls for season 2 cause I will make sure to make it to that if they do.

And finally, I have come to the decision that this year for Lent, I'm giving up swearing! This is going to be a hard one. I have the mouth of a sailor, and now I'm gonna be going 40 days without saying a single one. Which ones is this applying to? Well, the Seven Dirty Words (look them up), along with damn, Hell, and anything else you wouldn't hear on a kid's show. Starting Wednesday...

This is gonna be hard as fuck.


PS: I lost my phone earlier, and somehow found it on the floor underneath my computer desk?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This blog post is rated R

Ready for a straight up venting/bitching session like in the stereotypical "teen blog"? Then LET'S GO!

Seriously, I love how I was so excited for Spring Break to get here so I could have time off and relax. Too bad I forgot that I'm from Elyria, and that I'd get pulled right back into the stupid, bullshit drama I left two months ago! Seriously? Like, this is bullshit! The last thing I wanted to do on MY vacation was see Derrick, and then not only do I see him TWICE yesterday, but he also gets brought up in conversation today. I hate him! I hate the fact that I ever called him my best friend! And that after giving him a third chance (which I NEVER do for anyone!) he still goes and does stupid shit!

Then, I always have to hear about Jordan, who is someone else I don't want to deal with. Ever! Let alone on vacation! Everything he's done, and my friends can't seem to get that I don't want to talk about him! Especially when it's about him AND Derrick! And yeah, I might laugh and make fun over the porn thing, but that doesn't mean I want him brought up in regular conversation! And why the Hell does this new "Prom" movie has a couple in it named Jordan and Tyler!

Someone else to complain about? I hate seeing my ex Nick with his new boyfriend! I can't stand it because I know I'll always feel something for him. And while talking about guys I actually DO like, Lake hasn't talked to me once in anyway since we had sex! And Lucas, who I've been into for SO long (and i know he feels the same way) will NEVER date me for some unknown reason (though I'm sure Derrick would love to make one up!) God, I hate guys! More, I hate gay guys! Why do I have to be one? I mean really?! Things would be SO much easier if I liked girls!

Well, I mean, I guess I kinda do...just one. Torrie. She's a sophomore at my high school, but she's still so in love with her ex that what's the fucking point anyway?!

Oh, and my debit card is STILL frozen! I have NO idea why, but I'm seriously getting tired of having to bum money off of all my friends, and I'm sure they are too!

And my mom's getting super bitchy about my school work when she knows I'm just gonna drop out at the end of the year anyway, so why does it even matter?! She doesn't like that I'm doing it, but I don't care, it's my life, I'm a grown ass man, and I'm gonna do what I need to do to make my dreams come true (damn it)! Even if that means I have to move out to Arizona to do it! I don't want to, but it'd probably be for the best because it would have me closer to California.

That's why I'm most likely going out there for the first week of the summer before I start working (well, hopefully working) at Cedar Point.

And the worst part of all of this is that I could be in Disney World right now avoiding all of this bullshit that's pissing me off, and the cold weather!

I sound like a whiny ass bitch, don't I? Shit.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Listen up two readers I have. I have a little bit of advice for you (and anyone else who might randomly find this...)


Yup, it's another episode of Tyler Waits For His Roommate To Finish. After math, I went to lunch with some friends, and then returned to my dorm to do my homework. Well, I walk in and Chris and Gina are going at it.

Now, normally, Chris will text me before getting it in, but for some reason, today I did not get a text, a call, a sock on the door. And speaking of the door, if you're gonna have sex, have the brains to lock it!

So now I'm in the computer lab in the basement waiting. Spring break starts in just two days! I'm not going to Disney anymore, but I'm still determined to have a good time! Probably go to the club a couple times, hoping to go to the Science Center (I'm a nerd), and of course lots of shopping!

But anyway, the moral of my post today, folks, is (as The Midnight Beast said) "Use ya head, when you go to bed!".
