Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Week In...

We are one week into Lent. Seven days into my "no swearing" and unfortunately, I've already slipped up. Just once. First day. But it wasn't in a public setting, so I didn't feel as bad. I've managed to go the rest of the week free of it though, and I'm very proud of myself.

Break didn't get any better over the course of the week. It was pretty boring the whole way. Lots of time on the couch. I bought a Wii though. I'm a beast at bowling on it. And sword fighting!

Not much has happened since getting back to school. I went to my first counseling session...not too eventful...that's about it though. Everything's pretty slow in T Town right now.

I hate to say it, but I have a new favorite song. It's "Friday" by Rebecca Black. I know, I'm weird for liking it. I know it's not good, but it's catchy, and funny, so I like it. I can't believe all the negative backlash on it though. And most of it's not even on the song, it's on her. I've read so many video comments and tweets telling her to kill herself. I can't believe a person can actually sit there and say that to someone, especially a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL! It's just sick.

My interview for Cedar Point is just three days away now. Saturday, 11am. I really hope I get it. That'd be the perfect summer job for me, because I wouldn't have to be at home, bored out of my mind, and dealing with drama for three months. So many of my friends have gotten accepted, if I don't, I'm gonna feel like crap! I've already been turned down by Walmart and McDonalds. They pretty much hire anyone who walks through the door! Add Cedar Point to the list, and I'll be the poster boy for FML.


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