Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In which I complain

Ok, so last night, I went and saw the new Chronicles of Narnia movie with my friends Ashleigh and Raymal. I want to start out by saying that I thought the movie was fantastic! Possibly the best Narnia film yet. I just had one tiny little problem...

See, we got there and when we asked for Narnia we were charged the addition $3.50 for the 3D version of the film. The theater we were at didn't carry the regular 2D. Now, I absolutely hate 3D, I think it's stupid and pointless, and really it just gives me a headache. But we really wanted to see Narnia, so I sucked it up and got the 3D ticket and decided I would just take the glasses off if I started feeling a headache coming. So the opening credits roll and we see the 3D there, and then the actual movie stops and there's nothing 3D going on. At all. So I take of my glasses and the film doesn't even have it's lack-of-glasses fuzz.


What did I pay my extra money for? There is not a single 3D aspect to this film! This is why I hate 3D. It's stupid and pointless, and such a waste of money. With a film like this, they really could have done a lot with the 3D, and they didn't do anything at all! This craze is such bullshit, it is just the film industry trying to milk more money out of there films. They look at movie making as a buisiness first, and an art second. I absolutely hate it. I feel robbed actually. Which is why today, I have made the decision, I will never pay to see another 3D movie ever again. I don't care what the movie is. If it's in 3D, I will not pay to see it.

Screw 3D and screw you Narnia film makers for raping my wallet.


PS: The dragons in Harry Potter look way more badass than the dragon in Narnia.

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