Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 In Review

This is basically on of those Facebook post/survey things that I thought I would do since it's New Years Eve.
Where did you go on New Years?
Renee's house, same place I'm going this year.

Who were you with on New Years?
A bunch of people from drama club, and others in the class of 2010!

Did you have a New Years Resolution this year?
I guess...wanted to actually get a film made. I did. It was crap!

Does it snow where you live?
Quite often actually.

Do you like hot chocolate?
It's alright.

Have you ever been to Times Square to see the ball drop?
No, but one day I plan to.

Who was your valentine?
I never have one.

When you were little, did you buy valentines for the whole class?
We were supposed to, so yes I did.

Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
No, it'll still be cold into May.

What did you recieve on Valentine's Day?
Absolutely nothing. Nobody likes me. :'(

What did you give for Valentine's Day?
The same thing. :P

Are you Irish?
A tiny little bit on my mom's side.

Do you like corned beef and cabbage?
Ew! Don't make me puke!

What did you do for St. Patrick's Day?
Nothing too special.

Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
Extremely! Unfortunately, it's typically cold until May here.

Do you like the rain?
I LOVE the rain!

Did you play an April Fools joke on anyone this year?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I did.

Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
That and more!

Do you celebrate 4/20?
I do that whenever I feel like it.

Do you love the month of April?
Not really, but I'm looking forward to it this year because of Scream 4!

What is your favorite flower?
Red Carnation.

Please finish the phrase: "April Showers..."
"Bring May flowers, except for when you live in Ohio"

Do you celebrate May 16: Nation Piercing Day?
I do not. No piercings for Tyler, thanks.

Is May anything special to you?
Yeah, not really...

What year did/will you graduate from high school?
Well I actually just graduated this year!

Did you do anything fun during this month?
I went to Europe!

Have a favorite baseball team?
Nah, I much prefer Quidditch.

What did you do on the 4th of July?
Spent the day at the lake, and then I saw fireworks with some of the greatest people ever!

Did you go to the fireworks?
Please refer to the answer of the previous question.

Did you blast the A/C all day?
Oh how I wish!

Did you get a sunburn?
Oh yeah! And it was bad! Not in August though.

Did you go to the pool a lot?
I don't really swim much.

Are you attending college/school?
Freshman Film Major at The University of Toledo!

Do you like fall better than summer?
I used to, but now I'm more on summer's team.

What happened this month?
I went to college!

What's your favorite candy?
Or Toblerone...the Swiss know what's up!

What was your favorite part of this month?

What were you for Halloween?
I was a priest. Father Tyler.

Who's house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
Mema's (that's what I call my grandma, just so you know)

What are you thankful for?
Honestly, I don't really know. I guess that I'm still alive and I have all the things I do? Damn I've always hated this question.

Do you love stuffing?
Not really.

Anything exciting happen this month?
Oh nothing really...

Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yes, but I honestly don't like it all that much. I'd rather do Hannukah or something.

Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
I've never even SEEN mistletoe!

Get anything special last year?
LAST year, yeah.

What do you want this year?
I'm STILL wanting a Wii...

What do you love most about December?
My birthday! Duh!
If you honestly read through all of that, you're pretty awesome, cause that was really long!


PS: I realize that's what she said.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In which I complain

Ok, so last night, I went and saw the new Chronicles of Narnia movie with my friends Ashleigh and Raymal. I want to start out by saying that I thought the movie was fantastic! Possibly the best Narnia film yet. I just had one tiny little problem...

See, we got there and when we asked for Narnia we were charged the addition $3.50 for the 3D version of the film. The theater we were at didn't carry the regular 2D. Now, I absolutely hate 3D, I think it's stupid and pointless, and really it just gives me a headache. But we really wanted to see Narnia, so I sucked it up and got the 3D ticket and decided I would just take the glasses off if I started feeling a headache coming. So the opening credits roll and we see the 3D there, and then the actual movie stops and there's nothing 3D going on. At all. So I take of my glasses and the film doesn't even have it's lack-of-glasses fuzz.


What did I pay my extra money for? There is not a single 3D aspect to this film! This is why I hate 3D. It's stupid and pointless, and such a waste of money. With a film like this, they really could have done a lot with the 3D, and they didn't do anything at all! This craze is such bullshit, it is just the film industry trying to milk more money out of there films. They look at movie making as a buisiness first, and an art second. I absolutely hate it. I feel robbed actually. Which is why today, I have made the decision, I will never pay to see another 3D movie ever again. I don't care what the movie is. If it's in 3D, I will not pay to see it.

Screw 3D and screw you Narnia film makers for raping my wallet.


PS: The dragons in Harry Potter look way more badass than the dragon in Narnia.

Monday, December 27, 2010


I don't know why I keep doing this. Why I keep lying to myself. Why I keep leading myself on.

I've spent the last almost eleven years of my life, convincing myself that there was something more for me. That one day I would get out of this unfortunate Hell Hole I was sadly born in. That one day I would eventually make a name for myself, but lately I've been realizing that's not going to happen. I'm from ELYRIA, OHIO! That's not exactly the star factory. Not saying we don't have talented people, but...

I've known since I was in the seventh grade that film would be my college major. But what am I possibly going to use that for in Ohio? Chances are, when I eventually graduate or flunk out of college (yeah, that's pretty likely), I'm gonna move right back to Elyria and stay there for the rest of my life. With a degree or not, I'll become a waste of space in society. As if I'm already not one.

From the second I decided I wanted to be an actor/director, I had more people than I can count up my ass telling me I'll never make it, tell me that I'll fail, telling me I should stop dreaming. And for a while, I used it as a driving force. But lately, the only thing on my mind is "they're right". Failure is inevitable here. It's Ohio. With a film degree, I'll be lucky if I work in fast food the rest of my life. And based on my last...and only job, I'll probably fail at that too.

I passed two classes this semester. My GPA, last I knew, was 0.500. What am I doing? I'm knowingly putting myself into debt for a degree I will never use. And that's if I even get it, because now, yours truely is on academic probation.

I need to get out of here. It's toxic. This life I'm living is...a disease. I know I must be sounding EXTREMELY overdramatic right now. I just feel like I am wasting my time, wasting my life completely. All I want to do is be in the film industry. I'm not good at anything but performing.

Damn, I sound like Rachel fucking Berry from Glee right now. You know, over the past two days, I have watched every episode from the first season of that show. Including all of the bonus features on the DVDs. Honestly, when I'm not performing, I have no life. I just sit around and I dream.

Maybe that's all I'm good at. Dreaming. Unfortuantely, when it comes to dream, eventually you have to wake up.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Untitled Entry

Dinner at Wolfey's worked out just fine! :D

It was so much fun! So many awesome people showed up, and it was just an absolute blast. I was so excited to see everyone. Some of the people there I hadn't seen since August! After dinner, some of us went to Walmart, and then to my friend Tori's to watch a movie (Last House On The Left Remake...LAME!).

Yesterday was also relly fun. It was my high school's reunion concert, so I saw even more people I haven't seen in a while! Then Applebees for dinner, the mall, something else I can't go into detail about, and finally milkshakes (where I saw even more people!).

Today on the other hand has been a lazy day. I've been lounging around, eating, and continuing my Harry Potter reading. I am now on Chamber of Secrets for the...probably thirtieth time! While I was reading the first one, I kept finding myself seeing the film actors in my head, as well as hearing the music. Something tells me I have a problem? I just have this to say though, when after eight years, a twist still catches you in a book, it's a good one. I kept having to reming myself who the bad guy was in that book. JK Rowling does SUCH a good job with red herrings...where does that phrase even come from?
In other news, my roommate, Chris and I are starting a vlog on YouTube starting at the begining of next semester. Rather excited for that. I've been dying to get back on YouTube on a regular basis. It'll be us and our crazy college adventures, as well as a guide for high school students on college. We could call it "Chris and Tyler Declassified College Survival Guide", however, I don't think Nickelodeon would be too happy with that, so we'll be going with something else.

OH! Also, I ordered a hoodie online with the money my dad gave me for my birthday, and it came in today! I had it shipped to my grandma's house, so I don't have it just yet, but it is awesome. This is it right here:
Yeah, it's Harry Potter! I know, it's awesome!
You have no idea how badly I am looking forward to Wednesday. I get to be at my old high school for the majority of the day, I'm gonna talk to students about college (mainly my friends who are still in school because they're probably the only ones who will go to it), and then I have my first youth group meeting since I went to college!
Guess that's all for now. I have to go read all about this chamber of secrets. I really wanna know what it is! ;D
PS: I have only been on break for three days now, and I already miss my friends from school.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Home Sweet Homes...or whatever

I'm officially home! I got home yesterday evening, and I've been relaxing ever since.

Kinda mad right now. Tonight is the night of my birthday dinner at Wolfey's...or I thought. I don't know. Turns out there are already three large parties for tonight at seven. Apparently we can probably get seated individually at tables in groups (was that an oxymoron? [Is that even how you SPELL oxymoron?]) but...I don't know.

I've decided to re-read the Harry Potter series again. I want to see how much I can do over break. Hopefully I can get through the whole series, or at least get a large portion of it done. I've also been playing the Quidditch World Cup Video Game. The US is #1 in the league as of right now.

There's currently a week left until Christmas, and I have yet to buy a single gift for anyone. Go me and my lack of income! Why do we even have to give gifts on Christmas? Isn't it all about the birth of Jesus or whatever anyway? Not saying I particularly believe in that, but where did the gift giving thing even originate from? Don't get me wrong: I, like everyone else, LOVES getting presents, but it's JUST SO MUCH STRESS! GAH!

What the hell am I supposed to do about dinner tonight? I guess we could sit in groups at different tables, but that kinda just sucks for a birthday party/dinner/whatever. I don't wanna go somewhere else...Wolfey's has like THE BEST FOOD, and I can't call the whole thing off. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

I'll figure something out.


Friday, December 17, 2010

The End Of The Begining

Tonight is my last night in my dorm for the Fall 2010 semester here at UT. I'm all done with finals, and I'm leaving for Christmas tomorrow...well technically this...afternoon. I'm really excited to be having time off, but I'm pretty sure after just a few days I'll want to come back. I'm gonna miss my friends A LOT, but it's only for a month.

My birthday was on Tuesday. I'm officially 19! Woohoo! I can officially do everything I was able to do last year! My friends Keri, Feliza, and Gage threw me a little "surprise" party, though it was kinda obvious what was going on haha. Deffinetly a good birthday though. Super relaxing.

Speaking of my birthday, I'm excited. Saturday night is my birthday dinner with some friends. We're eating at my favorite restaraunt in Elyria: Wolfey's Bistro and Pub. Also, my mom is taking me to The Melting Pot for my birthday as well. Talk about exciting!!!

As the semester draws to an end though, I must express my concern for my grades. I know I'm going to have to repeat a lot of classes, if not all of them. This has honestly been such a bad semester for me, I never thought I could ever do so bad in school. I truly love being here at UT, but sometimes, I just gotta wonder if I made the right choice in coming here. I gotta wonder, is college for me?

I don't know yet. As of right now, I'm planning on staying at Toledo. I wanna do really well second semester so I can stay here next year. I'm planning on doing the Disney College Program next spring, and then my junior year, I'm hoping to move into a house with Keri, Feliza, and Gage (the friends of mine who threw me threw me the party). I just hope that can all work out in the end. I'd hate to have to go back home and do communtiy college.

Meanwhile, the search continues for employment. I wanna go to Walt Disney World for Spring Break this year, and that trip is NOT going to be cheap.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 19, 2010


It's here! November 19th! You know what that means, right? Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is finally in theaters!

I went to the midnight showing last night, and I was just completely blown away! I laughed, I cried, and the ending cliff hanger had me wanting more More MORE! It was a a great adaptation, and although there are a few differences between the book and film, they actually did a great job at staying faithful. You may disagree, and you have that right, but I feel it stayed true to the text in a way that the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth didn't.

I am so glad that this film was my first midnight release, it was such a fun time. I just hate the fact that I now have to wait until July for part 2.

In other news, I've been on muscle relaxers for my neck, and they've really been helping a lot. I can officially move my neck normally, though it still hurts a little bit. Also, I am very excited to be going home for Thanksgiving next week. I'm gonna be able to see my friend Rachel for her birthday, see my whole family, eat like a hungry hungry hippo, and then make fun of all the crazy Black Friday shoppers.

Should be a fun week.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

My neck, my just my neck

I woke up this morning to the worst pain of my entire life. My neck has been nonstop hurting all day! I don't know what I did to it, but I can't move it. I've tried stretching it out, alternation ice and heat, taking pain releavers, nothing is working even the slightest bit. I have honestly never been in so much pain before. And it's practically got me bed-ridden too! I can't walk around without it shoot a huge pain through my whole body. If I even move my neck it hurts too.

My church's youth group did a 30-hour fast this weekend. I've seen some pictures and I really wish I could have gone home for it. Honestly, I should have just gone. I haven't done shit all weekend besides see a play, and walking to the CPA and back put me in so much pain that for a second my entire body just locked up.

I officially dropped from Theta Chi pledging today as well. I have to focus on my grades. My big told me I will be able to pledge again next semester or later in college if I want, which is good because I really would like to join (again, never thought I'd wanna join a frat).

Anyway, I'd better leave it here. I have to look into the med center hours just in case this pain lasts into tomorrow.


PS: See! I told you I'd be posting more often! only reader!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh yeah...I have a blog!

Ok, now I know what you guys are thinking right now:

"Oh my goodness! Tyler Holtzman! Where have you been?!"

No? Nobody? Oh yeah, I write a blog nobody reads. Oh well, on with the entry.

So it's been like five months since my last entry. The last time I wrote, I talked about how I was going to France. That was SO much fun! Honestly the greatest experience of my life! I saw some beautiful art and buildings, ate incredible food, and then I came back to America where my life became filled with drama. Both types of drama. Drama as in acting, and drama as in bullshit. But I won't go into all that.

I'm almost done with my first semester of college now. As I said in my first entry, I'm attending The University of Toledo, and studying Film as my major. It's interesting here. I've made some great friends, done some really fun activities...I like it, though I miss home a lot more than I ever thought I would.

Another thing I never thought I would do is pledge a fraternity. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd even consider it, but here I am, a pledge for the Theta Chi Fraternity...for now...I think I'm dropping. My grades have slipped. And when I say slipped, I mean it.

Honestly there isn't much happening right now. My mom moved into an apartment, I'm working on getting my grades up, and I recently signed on to be in a mini-series for my school's television network. It's called West Bancroft Side Story, which is a parody guessed it...West Side Story. My character is Munich, who is the Chino character, or the Paris of Romeo and Juliet.

I suppose that's all for today. I kinda just felt like writing.


Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Tomorrow is the day! The day I have waited four years for! I'm not talking prom, or graduation. I'm talking about the day I leave for France! I have never been more excited for anything in my life! I don't care if that sounds cheesy, it's the truth. I get to spend ten days in Europe. Whereas most of my friends are stuck here in Elyria, or in Disney World (which is fun, but compared to France?).

It's about to be the longest plane ride I've ever been on though, but at least I have something to do: SUMMER READING! WOOHOO! Oh wait, that's not "WOOHOO" worthy. I have to read Dead Man Walking for my Orientation class next year. Hopefully I can get it all read while flying, because when I come back, I'll have other things to focus on.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I tried out on Saturday, and a couple hours later was offered the role of Asher (one of the brothers). I already have to miss the first week of rehearsals for this trip, so I'll have to be REALLY focused when I get back.

So, I guess that's it for today. I don't know if I'll be able to post while I'm away, but I know I'll have tons to talk about when I get back (if anyone decides to even start reading this blog).


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tonight's The Night!

It's only a couple hours away! The day I've been waiting so long for! Graduation day is finally here! This morning, after many hours at the youth group lock-in, I went to commencement practice, and now I'm all ready to get that diploma and done with EHS!

I guess I'll miss a lot of the people, but then again, this is the 21st century. We have cell phones, and facebooks, but it's not the same. These past few days have been pretty awesome. At the Drama Club Awards/Inductions, I was voted as Best Supporting Actor (in Almost, Maine), as well as "Most Likely To Leave Elyria". And for choir, I got "Best Personality" and "Best Eyes".

Senior year has definitely been full of ups and downs, and I'm ready to be done with it, but I will miss a lot of things.

But enough on that! I'm graduating, it's time to move on. My grad party is tomorrow, and in just a couple weeks, I'm off to France! I don't really know if I'll be able to blog while I'm there, but I'll certainly have tons to talk about when I get back!

We're apparently going to Steak & Shake after graduation tonight (surprise, surprise! Elyria kids at Steak & Shake!), and then, I'm not fully sure what's up after that.

OH! Almost forgot! My dad is in town! I said he was coming for graduation, and he's here. Which means I get to see him for the first time since October!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cap and Gown: Check!

So yesterday was Cap and Gown Pick-Up for seniors, and I also had choir, so I went into school second period (that's about 8:30), saw some of my underclassmen friends, and then went to choir when it got to be time. We did absolutely nothing in choir, so why did we have to go? I mean really, was there any point?

But anyway, after choir, I went into the auditorium and picked up my cap and gown for graduation. I was so excited, you don't even know! Graduation is in four days, and I cannot wait to be out of here! Unfortunately, the weather report says that it's supposed to storm really bad on Saturday, and which sucks because if it does, we'll have to graduate on the next day, which is the same day as my party! Why am I having my grad party on the same day as the rain date? Well, because my dad is flying in from Tucson for graduation, and it makes a lot more sense, instead of having him fly out twice.

UT finally got my gender fixed, and Chris and I are officially roommates for next year! Which means now I just have to wait out the next three month until I can move to Toledo. Is that sad? I'm looking forward to starting school next year! It's probably more me looking forward to getting out of this city, than starting school. After all, like I said before, I have some really fun stuff going on this summer: France, Not In Ohio, Sue.

Oh yeah, Sue. I have not talked about her yet. She was a foreign exchange student my junior year, and she's coming back this summer to visit. She's from Switzerland and she's awesome! We are for real about to party it up while she's here. It's only for about a month though, which really sucks, but at least I get to see her.

The rest of this week consists of cleaning up my house, and my grandparent's garage. The garage, because that's where my party is, and the house because some guests from Kentucky are gonna be staying here.


PS: Those guests, are HOOTERS GIRLS! Be jealous! haha

Friday, May 14, 2010

I am not a girl!

So today was senior brunch, which ended up being pretty boring to be honest. Anyway, I just got home a little bit ago, and logged onto my account at UT so I could finish my housing application, to find that I'm listed as being a girl...again!

I was listed as that before, and then I called up to the school to have it fixed, and they did, but now it's switched back to "Gender: F". Last I checked, I was a boy. I've been a boy for eighteen years now, and I really don't see that changing anytime soon. Plus, the problem was already solved! It said "Gender: M" when I checked just a couple days ago!

And I very well can't room with my friend Chris if the school things I'm a girl! The dorm rooms aren't co-ed. Looks like I'm going to have to call AGAIN and get this straightened out.

On an up note: Thespian lock-in is tonight! Those are always fun. I'm gonna have to charge up the camera though. The damn thing died on me at brunch.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello Summer...

High School has come and gone. Yesterday was my last day, and now I get to enjoy a nice long break before starting college in the fall. I guess now is where I tell you my college plans, huh? Well, I'm going to be a film major at The University of Toledo, with a minor in marketing. Why you ask? That's an easy answer: I want to be a film maker. Preferably a film maker of horror films.

Again you ask why? I became interested in horror back in the seventh grade. Junior high was never easy for me, so horror films became my escape. I won't bore you with those details; that doesn't matter anymore. Because in just a few months, I'll be in college, ready for a fresh start.

Of course, I have stuff going on before then. month, I'm going to Europe! Yup! Ten days I'll be gone. I'm going to Paris with my school's French Club! And I even get to visit London while I'm there! :D

Then when I come home, I'll be doing some work on a movie! Not In Ohio, a family-adventure film. I'm acting in it. Hopefully it will give me some pretty good experience for when I start classes in August, and hopefully it can help me start up my career too.

So you see, I'll have tons of exciting things to write about soon! I'm just stepping out into the world. My story is just beginning...


PS: Wow, was that the cheesiest way to end an entry or what?!